Sorry I haven't been around for a while! I was going to link up last week, but my mom went in for a routine procedure Wednesday and ended up having to have an emergency surgery! We are hoping she gets out of the hospital today or tomorrow!
Now onto the outfit pictures. Some of these are from like 2 weeks ago. I didn't take pictures last week at all. Oops!
I wore this for my sister-in-law's b-day dinner (Aug 28th).
Can you tell that I went a while without a haircut?! Lol!
- Shirt: old, JcPenny's
- Jeans: Levi's from Kohl's
- Shoes: Payless (liner inside is messing up, boo!)
- Necklace: Josiah's Nest shop
A Saturday hanging out.
I love how the tank makes me look slim! :)
- Tank: Target clearance!
- Shorts: Kohl's
- Shoes: Payless
Wore this for a sub job on a Friday! It was comfy!
- Cardigan: Charlotte Russe- on sale!
- Tank: same as above, Target clearance
- Slacks: Kohl's clearance (Docker's $14.99!)
- Shoes: Ssekos!
This is how I styled my Ssekos that Friday!
I was trying something new :)
This was last Monday, for a 4th grade sub job.
I got a my hair trimmed! :)
- Shirt: JcPenny's clearance (paid $2 since I had a $10 off $10 or more- it was $12!)
- Skirt: Worthington's from JcPenny's
- Shoes: Payless
P.S. Nemo says "Look at me!"
I am linking up to The Pleated Poppy!