The thing about my classroom, I feel like it is always evolving in what it looks like. Things are added or moved.
So here is my very first classroom as a teacher!!
It started out like this. I share my room with the math specialist, so the left is my side.
Bookshelves were full of books and old things
This was the 1st week I was able to get things done.
The left brown bookcase was full of old materials and books. My things were mostly on the one by the filing cabinet.
This was by December (note the Christmas things)
My desk
I used the brown door as a To Do list.
By the end of school
- The basket on the top of the bookshelf was my treasure box. The little green buckets held the student's name slips that I use for reward system.
- The pink line around my desk was to help a student with boundary issues
I liked the little cart in front of my desk bc it helped me be a little hidden while I was at my desk from the door.
- I used the foldable board for a lot of my instruction.
The thing I liked about this lay out was the bookshelves right behind where I taught...any materials I would need were right there.
- Yoga balls had a boundary or "home" and once the students were finished sitting on them or having their bounce break, they would be put up in their "home".
- On the brown shelf is my library. It has grown this year! :)
- The black shelf held leveled readers(which I had no idea what they were last year. I use them now)
My Second Year
After a little work:
The yoga balls got deflated for this year and put in a closet.
That poor globe was in the lounge...nobody wanted it, so I took it.
The chair belongs to a coworker and it is stored in my room right now.
Got my library organized
- Orange bucket has prizes the kids can pick
You can also see the books I got organized on top of the green cabinets. That was one of the many resources I had, but didn't know of the previous year!
What it looks like now:
- Up on the wall are things that we are learning about or have learned about.
- The yellow "ABC" holds our vocabulary for the week
- The blue chart next to it holds math vocab right now.
- The little cart at the end of my desk holds the pencil bucket and materials that I use during groups.
- Materials are on the white shelf to the left of the picture.
- Teacher materials are in the smaller white bookshelf. The green basket on my desk holds timers, sharpies, post-its that I might need.
- I utilize the metal on the front of my desk to hold examples of good writing and other materials that I might need to show to the students.
My library is labeled with the genres, I am trying to get my students to understand the different ones.
The rug on the right is the "break spot". AKA cool off zone.
No one has had to use it yet, but I created one this year just in case!
My desk area!
I love having the side table!
I have 2 clear file organizers, a blue hanging holder and then not pictured is a plastic hanging file holder.
There is a lot of paperwork with my job and it is key to keep it organized!
This is my desk all clean.
This was a busy day!
That side desk is a hard worker at times!
(Under the desk is my actual treasure box!)
Notice: a cute picture of all three kitty babies in-between my owls.
My view from my desk!
I wanted a picture of Joey and I on it this year!
I love looking at it when I am having a hard day!
Here I have a picture of us when we were in Vegas and also my cup from when we were in Vegas.
There you have it! My classroom from last year and then from this year so far! I am sure the room will change before the end! I love documenting what it looks like and how it changes as I need it to. I am sure more photos will be added once this school year is finished!
Have a great night!