Wow this past week and weekend has been CrAzY!
This past week I had 2 tests and 2 lessons to teach. Doesn't sound like much, but it was a very stressful week! This weekend was crazy, but in a good way!
It all started Friday. Friday I did this:

I cut my hair off! :) I love it! It is so much easier to take care of!
Friday night I hung out with some education (major) girls. That was fun :) I made yummy bean dip and they liked it!
Let's see...Saturday:
We went to Stubb's in Houston/Clear Lake(?)
Since this past weekend was the Lone Star Rally in Galveston, tons of bikers met at Stubb's for a benefit. They paid $20 to ride and the proceeds went to a ranch for at risk children and abandoned animals. (They have the children take care of the animals).
There were SO many bikers there! At least a couple of hundred! They had a police escort down 45 to Galveston! It was neat to see all those bikes, mostly Harleys. Then we went to Galveston. Oh my gosh! Bikers, everywhere!!! Joe, Joey's dad, wanted me to see the strand and what it becomes, the only way you can get through is on a motorcycle. Well he has one, so I got to ride on the back!!! It was scary at first, but I loved it!! Don't worry we both wore helmets, and the highest speed he got was 40mph. :)
But back to my story. The strand Sat. had two rows of bikes on each side. One row behind the other on each side. It was handle-bars to handle-bars! With just an aisle for bikes to go through the middle! It was such an awesome sight! Well some of it was....there were a lot of leather skin ladies that were under-dressed for their age. That was gross. There were SO many people on the strand though!
Supposedly Jesse James was supposed to be there (He is Sandra Bullock's husband and owns/began West Coast Choppers) but we didn't go and walk around.
Here are some pictures I took of all the motorcylces:
This was a bank's parking lot, it was FULL of bikes.
On the left you can see some of the bikes lined up. This wasn't even on the strand. It was on a street near it! It looked like that on the right side too!
As we drove by the strand and these were all the motorcycles that drove by us.
Here you can see a glimpse of what the Strand looked like!
Needless to say it was SO fun!
Saturday night:
Trick-or-Treaters! We had a good amount. It didn't take long to get low on the candy. Of course I was being generous with the amount given out bc I didn't know how many children we would get. I stopped in time though to save us some candy! :D
Today was crazy! We went to church, and (lil) Rachel came home with us so she could work on her project and use our color printer. Well after church we went to Best Buy and contemplated wither or not to buy a new color printer since our's was broken in a way that we couldn't use 2 of the 3 features. We decided not to, bought some ink for our one we had and went and got lunch and went home. Well got home and needed more ink than we thought. I went to Kroger to get good deals, then swung by my mom to pick up some stuff. Joey decided to go ahead and get another printer. So he went and got it, set it up and it didn't work right. So at 5:30, which we were to go to dinner with my mom and grandma (for my granny's birthday) at 6, Joey went and returned it quickly. We left the house at 6:20, and went to eat with them. While Rachel finished her stuff, then Mary came to pick her up. We visited for a while then they left. Then I am doing a load of laundry now!
Man! If you are still reading, I got a great deal at Kroger! :)
Here it goes:
- 2 Snuggle Fabric Softners
- 2 Ricola Cough Drops
- 2 Ball Park hot dogs
- 2 Birdseye Steamfresh Corn on the Cob
- 2 Break and Bake Pillsbury Cookie Dough
- 1 Aussie styler
- 1 Pepperidge Farm Garlic Bread
All this totals normally to: $ 35.83
I got it for:
$7.66! Savings of $28.17!
How did I do this?
-Kroger is having a sale buy 10 (participating items) and get $5 off instantly
- I had 2- $3 off 1 for Snuggle, which were 2.49 when you bought 10 things. So I got those FREE!!!
- I had a coupon for buy 1 get 1 Free for the cough drops, which were .50, so I got 2 for $. 50
- I had:
- $1 off of 2 for the hot dogs
- $1 off of 2 for the cookie dough
- $1 off Aussie hair products
- .40 off of Pepperidge Farm, which doubles to .80
- 2- .50 off 1 on Steamfresh Veggies
Basically everything I bought I had a coupon for! Then the prices were cheaper when you bought 10 items. Then I got the $5 off at the register!
Those 2 Snuggle fabric softeners would normally cost almost as much as my whole total today!
Another great deal I got the other day at Walmart was on those Glade Candle Tins. I have many of those buy a tin and get a refill pack for FREE! So at Walmart I had that coupon and then found a $1.50 off the tin inside the candle tin. It cost me $.75 for BOTH!!
I bought other things too and saved $6.75 there.
I also found some really cute and cheap fall decorations for our house at Target and the Dollar Tree!
At Target I bought:
This was seperate pieces, each were 50% off of $2.50! (1.25 each!)
Then at Dollar Tree I got:
I found some leaves to go into this glass vase! It might be hard to see, but I bought 3 packs of leaves, but I only used 2. I didn't know how many it would take, so I got 3 just in case! Those were each $1.00! It looks really nice, you wouldn't know that's where they came from unless you went to the store and saw them or read it on here :)
I am really happy with my fall decor!
Alright, time for me to go to bed! I am so tired!
Have a great night! Enjoy that extra hour of sleep! :)