Man, I really stink with this blogging thing! I want to write a post, then I don't feel like writing. I finally got my photos from my phone onto my laptop.
Well, I've been keeping busy. I am substitute teaching for a special education class. I am a substitute paraprofessional, I take care of one boy all day. I like it! :) I started right after Christmas break (Jan 3rd) and I am told that I will be there till the end of the school year!!
In January we got a new kitty!
His name is Lucius. He is 1 1/2 years old (between the ages of Daisy and Nemo)
Attempting to get his photo
Take 2
Ok. He is a really active kitty!
Finally got one as he slept.
Here he is sleeping next to Daisy.
(He's the brown tabby)
He blends in awesomely in our house.
We brought him home, introduced him to our kitties (by having him in a cage so they could smell him).
Let him out within 10 minutes!
No hissing, no fighting.
Daisy seemed to not care...which is rare! She's a diva!
He is a blessing!
After we got him, we found out he was at BARC before transferring to CAP (which is where we got him).
Well the BARC in Houston recently got busted for animal cruelty.
So it was basically an animal death camp.
Not good.
So for him to get transferred and then for us to get him is a blessing!
He is such a sweet baby!
My best friend also got married in January! She made such a beautiful bride (inside and out)! We played together when we were babies, went through school together not really hanging out, then our senior year I found out she was going to go to HBU like me. I asked her if she wanted to be roommates and she said yes. That was the beginning of a beautiful friendship! :)
Joey and I at the reception
He is so handsome!
Us being silly as my mom tried to take our picture!
I loved my bridesmaid dress! Such a gorgeous color! :)
I didn't take anymore photos, I was too busy celebrating!
I am so happy with how my Valentine's mantel turned out! :) I still have it up, since I think it's too early to bust out the Spring stuff.
Red and Aqua
I love using different colors, than what is expected, for holidays.
For Christmas I used aqua and silver.
I spray painted wooden candlesticks a pretty teal color.
(They were supposed to be for my Etsy shop, but I am pretty fond of them!)
I painted the frames.
Then the middle one I got some twine and mini clothespins so I could display vintage
Valentines from my great grandma!
I love those Valentines! I have a shoe box of them!
They have my great grandma's name on them and who they are from! :)
We were in Galveston last weekend, visiting Joey's dad and granddad. We had to go to the hardware store. It was one of those cool, independent owned ones! I found this awesome scale in the back and had to take a picture of it!
I have tomorrow off! I'm excited, I plan to get stuff done around the house and then have lunch with my hubby! Have a great week!