Friday, March 18, 2011

Don't Judge!

Because I have a headache and want to post, but not do a long/thought-provoking post on my part... I will tell you about something I found.

A good while back, like a few months go, I was browsing the clearance at Marshall's. I like to hunt for super bargains!

Case in point
I found this. 
I thought dang, that box is messed up!

Must be on clearance because it is broken, someone stole a piece(sadly, that happens) or some other reason. 

I decided to open the box up and check it. A nice condiment bowl set for $4? I had to check!
I was very pleasantly surprised! There were no missing pieces and nothing was broken. So I snatched it up!

I used it to hold snack food for the rest of the week! :) 
The bowls are nice and deep too! 

The moral of the story...hince the title of the post....don't judge something by the box it's in! If I did, I would have passed this up not even have given it a second thought!

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