Monday, January 2, 2012

A look at 2011

Wow! 2011 is over! It seemed like it just started! Time sure does go by faster as you get older!

Our 2011 had some really really awesome points and some not so awesome.

December 2010- I graduated from Houston Baptist University!

January- Joey and I celebrated our 2nd anniversary! 

May- I also opened my own Etsy shop
I named it in honor of my great grandma. 
She loved butterflies.

July- Yao passed away. 

I was asked to be a bridesmaid in my best friend's wedding (January 7th!) 

August-  We got Nemo!
I also took a random 4th grade substitute job. 
I actually doubted if I should take it. 
I took it, was asked to come back for 2 more weeks after that day!
I also got offered a long term substitute position in another district.
I didn't get it. 
I was upset, but soon realized that God had something better for me!

Because of the random 4th grade sub job I took the month before 
I was asked to do a long term position at that same school!
I took the job, not knowing how long it would last. 
It lasted until the Christmas break!
An awesome unexpected blessing! 

October-  Joey had some awesome things happen at his job!
This was (and still is) such a blessing to us! 
God is so good!

November- Traveled to New Orleans for a wedding
I have never been there before. 

Joey and I celebrated 9 years of being together!
We started dating December 2002 :)

Sadly,we had to put Burney to sleep.
However, he is not in pain anymore.

The year had an emotional end. It was hard to think of what amazing things had happened until Joey reminded me. This time last year (2011) we were facing the looming cloud of student loans that were to come. We were in a situation that I had to get a job or a ton of sub jobs so we didn't have to worry about our finances. 

God provided. He provided us with more than we expected! Me getting that long term substitute position was something we had hoped for, but was not sure if one would ever be available to me. If I would have never taken that 4th grade substitute job at that school, I never would have gotten the opportunity to get the long term job! It amazes me how God works things out like that! Then on top of that, God blessed Joey with some great opportunities at work!

It was all God and God alone! 

We are so thankful! 

I hope everyone had a great start to the New Year so far!

We did! We spent New Year's day with my dad and step mom, celebrating Christmas, New Years, and my dad's birthday! Yep, my daddy was a New Year's baby! :)

May 2012 be an awesome year for you! 
I am excited to see what adventures God has in store for Joey and me!

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