Sunday, January 16, 2011


I was just looking through my old photos. Here are some of my favorite:

He was SO little! :D

He makes these faces a lot! lol

Burney loves his big brother!

Beautiful caterpillar!
Those things in the front that look like teeth are actually his legs!

One of my favorite pics from Vegas

A sweet Daisy moment

My ugly quilt :) (story here)

Daisy's heart

It's a double rainbow! You can just barely see it!

2 flowers from a floral arrangement from my great grandma's funeral

A little dark, but I love it when he lays like this. 
He has his little fangs sticking out :)

My parents :)

Looking through all the old photos reminds me how much God has blessed us! I love seeing how our kitties have grown, our house has changed and all the adventures God has allowed us to take! 

1 comment:

the cape on the corner said...

oh my gosh, those cat pics! you should link up to debbiedoo's pet partay-she had the first one last week and i got a lot of visitors. they are just too cute! i can hardly stand the one where they are "embracing!"