A few weeks or so ago, Nana (Cat's mom) messaged me on Facebook to tell me that she made me an "ugly" quilt.
An Ugly Quilt is a quilt that Nana makes for just her family members. She uses all the different types of scraps she has leftover from her other projects.
Nana calls them ugly quilts, but I think they are beautiful! That's why I kept putting quotations around ugly. :)
Cat told me that these quilts are special, she only makes them for her family. And of course they are all unique.
Here's my quilt:
It is big! For some reason I thought it would be baby size...this is like a twin bed quilt or maybe bigger!
I had to take many pictures to try to let you see it all!
A close-up
One of my favorite pieces! I love ladybugs! :D
I am the proud owner of "One Ugly Quilt #30!"
I think it is so beautiful! The photos don't do it justice! Nana said she's made 32 ugly quilts and 10 pretty ones and she hasn't even put a dent in her scraps pile!
Look what dad got me for my birthday! (He's going to be gone this week, so he gave me my present early)
Yikes, it's almost 11! Time for bed! Goodnight!
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